What are you canning now?

I love the jar you're making your vanilla extract in...it's really pretty and different.

Did I miss something? "Glass toppers"? What'd you find?? :)

Tomorrow is apple, peach and plum day. Gonna strip my little plum tree and put up some jam. Scored some gorgeous peaches for a batch of that Vanilla Peach sauce, and got a big ole bag of apples from a co-worker's tree. Think I'll start with applesauce and see how many that takes.

Moose, I'm not a fan of salsa in general, but I found a recipe I really, really like. Of course, I had to modify it to taste, LOL. I process it in a water bath and it comes out just fine. Keep in mind that you can add, change, leave out...whatever suits your taste.

I start with 48oz of stewed tomatoes. You can use fresh romas if you peel and chop them. I generally use ones I've already canned and drain them some so the salsa isn't too soupy. I put in one of those little bitty cans of diced green chiles...you can put more or hotter ones if you like but I can't handle much heat. The original recipe called for a tsp of garlic?? Puh-lease! I put in a good 2 tablespoons of fresh (or the kind in a jar) chopped garlic. I generally chop up a whole good sized sweet onion and a chopped smallish regular onion...again to your taste. I prefer parsley to cilantro, but put in about a cup of whatever (or more or less) chopped. Half a tsp (or more or less) ground cumin. About 1/4 C lemon or lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. That's the basics...it's the cumin that really gives it a unique and good taste, IMO. The nice thing about salsa is that you can put about anything you like in it in whatever quantity suits you. Sometimes I make a basic batch and hold out a few jars and add some hot peppers for my friends who like it.

Toss it all in a pot and bring it not quite to a boil, fill the jars and process as usual. I don't like to actually cook it since most everything in it is cooked already and I think cooking takes some of the "fresh" taste away.

Hope that's a good jumping off place for you :)

Thank you! It was a gift from a fellow BYcer;)

The glass tops are for antique bale type canning jars I dont have and will not use...I figured if someone wanted or needed them they can have them for a few bucks and they pay for shipping:D
Thank you everyone for the spaghetti sauce recipe. I'm going to tackle sauce and pizza sauce tomorrow. I have a bunch of tomatoes from my garden, and also went and bought 20 lbs of roma tomatoes from a neighbor. Wish me luck :)
Canned another 6 jars of salsa and 3 quarts of tomatoes. It is my first time pressure canning without someone holding my hand...here's hoping it all turns out.
ahhh, gotcha Sonew. Those old jars are so pretty. I like to use them for storing dried goods in...herbs and such.

Our local Craig's List had a posting today for a couple cases of pints and half pints...free! LOL, if I'd suggested fetching them, DH would have plotzed...the garage is half full of canning jars already. Isn't it funny tho...whatever size you need is the one size you don't have enough of! ;)

Chazen, as long as the jars are sealed well and you processed at the right pressure for the right amount of time, they'll be fine, I'm sure! Now that you've got the hang of it, you can move into canning low acid foods...lots of nice fresh green beans and mushrooms, and other goodies :)
I hope this is the right place to post this....

Just started making simple jalapeno jam and apple jelly (only apple juice, sugar, and pectin)
Want to make other jams - peach, mixed berry, banana....
Also, I've been told these are elderberries or maybe choke cherries....They grow on a pretty tall (30 foot) tree, so I doubt they're elderberries...

Can any of you experts tell me and maybe offer a recipe?

The leaves look like this;

Thanks for any help. If these are not edible, I'll find something else to make jelly from.
After asking the landlord, they are choke cherries....
Found a recipe and thought I'd picked enough to make up 3 1/2 cups of juice...
Ended up adding about 1/2 qt of cherries and 1/2 cup of apple juice to make up the rest of the recipe...
The verdict? I was told by one person it's the best jellly they've ever tasted. I've eaten about 1/2 pt by myself just watching tv
The tast is between blackberry and cranberry, not too sugary and you can really taste the berries
Next time I'll be sure to pick what looks like 100 lbs more than I need, then maybe it'll yield enough juice for the recipe LOL!!

I used less sugar than the recipe called for, and it seems to be a little thicker than I'm uses to with jelly, but it is very good and I'll be making more!!
We have some of those growing around here, too! I was going to take them to our local conservation district to figure out what they were.

Canned 5 quarts and 2 pints of tomatoes.
I have a huge bag full of these little geen, turning to yellow, apples that I "think" are crab apples
and I have a 5 gallon bucket of green pears that dont seem to want to ripen.

What should I make with these?

I can only water bath. I don't mind jellys but was hoping maybe to do something like an apple
sauce or apple butter but I have never made anything like that.

Whatcha all think?

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