What are you doing to stretch a dollar?

I make gifts for family and cut out the giving to any and everyone for Christmas. The gifts I make are special and things they will actually use.

I also buy food in bulk and make double batches of meals and freeze in dinner sized portions. I put leftovers into microwave covered dishes for lunches the next day as well.

I guess I don't need to tell you what I use for storage, freezer and microwave use.
no thanks, I'll take the smoke, thank you very much!

My mom used to spread chicken poop all over her garden - in DROVES..*did i mention it burnt it and smelled horrid?*
I can only imagine what turkey poop smells like.... blechhhhh...
For keeping warm around the house, I went to the fabric store a few years back and selected a yard of fleece in 3 different colors. I cut a hole in the center and TA DA! A poncho! This was before I became semi-competent around a sewing machine. :mad: I do start to get snippy when I have to layer 2 ponchos...

I also LOVE the Goodwill. Make sure you get their calendar, it tells you when their sales are. Right now, I'm wearing a very attractive blouse I got for about $1.50 and a pair of jeans for about $6. I got a Carhart vest (which I had just mentioned wanting one the day before!) for $9.50. I spurged too... I got some Clark shoes and a pair of Munros (usually very VERY pricey. I think this style of Munro would sell for $110 at the store I used to work for) for $7.50 and $6.50 respectively. I bought my DH a sweater, dress shirt, and tie to wear for the holiday season too. All of which are name-brand and for every thing I spent about $40 (I also got some non-clothing items). The vest alone costs about that much. I also have 2 dress shirts that I got for about $3 total on another trip, and DH just complimented me on a tie/scarf I got for $.40

We moved the freezer chest to the basement yesterday so it doesn't work any harder which means less energy.

I'm making all my Christmas gifts this year. Everyone is either getting candles or coffee cup planters. Semi-homemade candles, really. I'm taking white candles (like the cheap emergency ones or any donated ones from Goodwill, melting them down and scenting them with baked scents, pouring them into voltive holders I'm getting from Goodwill, and sprinkling Apple Pie spices on top. I may make other scents, and I may even color them with crayons. I got the idea from a school project when I was in elementary school.

The coffee cups are also coming from the Goodwill and I'll be adding small homemade packets of herbs or flowers so they can have a windowsill garden. On sale, cups are $.40 or so and seed packets usually have a lot of seed and you may still find them discounted.

We're thinking about buying a small vent-free gas fireplace this year to put in the living room. Not only would it be a bit nicer than our furnace, it'll work when the power is out! We started thinking about that last year when we found ourselves freezing and trying to keep the lizards warm!

I used to cover the windows in the bedroom with old blankets I'm thinking about using the styrofoam insulation sheets this year. Easier to put up and more insulation IMO.

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