What Are Your Chicken's Names?

We have one turken/EE named Chicken Joe (after "Surf's Up") She is VERY cool

2 black orpington roo's (thought they were girls...who knew) Henny Penny and KangaRoo

2 white leghorn bantams- Tallulah and Petunia

2 red frizzle bantams- Sunny & Star

2 Light Brahma's-Daisy and Dumpling

Love them all!
we have
naked necks nichole and paris
barred rock or dominque Amy
5 red stars ----venus, aphrodite , delphinium , pegasus & zeus
5 dark cornish --------one named flo and others unnamed
2 SLW corolla and shelly
2 GLW queen elizabeth and queen anne
3 white rocks ----------peace , hope & faith
1 black astrolp mama jamma
blue andulusian Ray charles
2 EE buttercup & holyhock
and about 5 more unnamed

Mine are:

Delaware - Marilyn (Monroe)
Buff Orpington roo - Boris (Day)

Gold Laced Wyandotte - Greta (Garbo)
RIR - Sophia (Loren)
Barred Rock - Audrey (Hepburn)
ours are:
rooster- king arthur
EE hens: maggie ,sara, bent toe/fluffy butt( she has a split personality thing working for her and when she is being sweet she's fluffy butt, when's she's being a meany she's bent toe, we just think it sound meaner.) That one, hey you, and the other one, ( my DH named the last 3)
2 ducks named Quackers and Pip Squeak but we just call her pip.
Here are mine:

5 Australorps - Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Roo (roo we think), Stew (roo we think)

Game Mix - Florence (like Florence Joyner) since she gets out and I spend much time chasing her. She's fast as lightning.

Marans - Speck (roo) and Ms. Peck(pullet)

3 Ameracaunas- Ava, Maggie, Sadie

5 Golden Comet pullets - Reba, Goldie, Aubrey, Charlotte, Franny

2 Black sex-links pullets - Sidnie and Langley

3 Rhode Island Reds - No names, new, new babies... If they are pullets, will be Liza, Lola, Lana
We have a rooster named Elvis, hens named, little girl,friendly Angelina(grand-daughter named her) Buffy, Bunny,Crow, Arie,Rose, &Lily.Our mean rooster(always attack me & little children) was killed the other night,we think by a coyote,I always said I hated him,but I didn't really. I was just afraid of him.I cried when I saw him laying there.I know he died protecting the hens.His name was rooster Cogburn,He was brave...
We have 21 chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

White EE- Apollo
Scissor beak EE- Tanner (the sweetest birdie ever!!! <3)
EE Roo- Mika (the only rooster!!!)
The rest of the EEs- "Big Mama" Pearl, Chocolate, Quail, Leopard, Cleopatra, Rita "Red", Night, Sunshine
Ameraucana or EE??- Chixsie
Campine- Fawn
Egyptian Fayoumi- Ray
Partridge Rock- Maddy
Golden Cochin- Goldie
Grey Cochin- Heather, Day
White crested black Polish- Mike
White Polish- Synergy (got the idea from Jem and the Holograms)
Unknown Breed- Tristan

What is weird is, I can tell all the EEs apart... a lot of chickens! We named them on Day 1!

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