What are your five favorite breeds and why

1.) Red Sex Links- They’re the sweetest chickens I own, not to mention the wonderful egg production!

2.) Orpingtons- (any color), they’re oitgoing and hardy chooks, and very pretty!

3.) Easter Eggers- So pretty and have such a wide variety of colors and eggs

(That’s all for now, more coming soon)
You definitely could use a forth and fifth breed. Orpingtons are always great birds.
I don't even have 5 breeds, so really can't make a list.
My Brahma is a bit standoffish and I'm not a fan of the feathered feet. She's a bit crabby too I guess. But, maybe it was because she was the only diva in a group of Isa Browns?
I recently acquired 2 EEs and although they are a bit flighty right now due to integration, they chat with me and run to me for cover when I'm in the run.
My Isa Browns are very inquisitive. But, again not sure they are a favorite as I haven't had much else until now. I got them along with the brahma, they were given to me from someone who was moving and couldn't keep chickens any longer.
I have a Wyandotte cockerel too. I like him well enough. He's calm and he's got a look of - if it works for you, I'm good with it. :D
I need more room, so I can have space to try out more breeds. :p
Whatever this is, because it's what I've got. Thanking the universe in advance for the wonderful eggs I've yet to receive, lol.


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(Only listing the breeds I've owned for obvious reasons of course).

5.) Easter Eggers. Beautiful birds, every one of them looks different from the other with a variety of different-colored eggs you could potentially get. You never know what you're going to get when they grow up!

4.) White Plymouth Rocks. Very pretty. Ours always had a regal look, and were at the top of the pecking order. Beautiful, and despite being at the top they weren't mean or vicious to their fellow flock members.

3.) Barred Rocks. Our Barred Rocks were always super personable. One of them would walk up to me and gently peck at the freckle on my arm, cooing softly. She was so sweet. She tried to fly through the window one day to get into the house, only to realize it was glass and not air. They were personable, bossy, and had such an attitude at times! Loved them.

2.) Old English Game Bantam. Hatched a pair of these with a random assortment of eggs. They were super cool and very active. The hen went broody almost as soon as she started laying, but sadly we killed when a hay bale fell on top of her where she put her nest (not sure how, we only found her body when she went 'missing'). The rooster is the king of our flock, ruler of hen and rooster alike. It doesn't matter that he's a quarter of the size of our standard rooster. He's king. He has a screechy crow and a big attitude for such a little bird.

1.) Mixes. Yeah I know. Not a 'breed'. But the mixes we've raised this past year are a combination of beauty and personalities and all so very different from each other. Start with a mixed rooster, add a RLR hen, and end up with so many different looking chicks that you have no idea what happened. Two that actually look like RLRs, two that are white with large red patches, one that is white with black patches, one that is black and white - so very pretty. You get the chick and you would never know that little fluff ball would grow to be so different from what it started as.
1. Silkie bantam--silkies are sweet as can be, fluffier than a bag of cotton, and just so adorable!
2. Brahma bantam--they're quiet and calm, and also quite lovely
3. Delawares-- so much personality! They're really curious and love to explore.
4. Naked Necks--they look alien, and each one has a unique personality.
5. Cochin bantam--i guess i'm a sucker for bantams, heh! They're like little loofas and so gentle, too.
1. Japanese bantams..Chaboes!
2.buff orpington..I have a sweet hen named pancake that is one of my favorites.
3.barred rock..good egg-production and so sweet
4. Easter egger.. free pre-colored Easter eggs..
5. Austra white.. I have a chicken named spot that is also one of my favorites.
@Hobbits Mommie that looks like an austra white. And if so you have great taste in chickens!
This has been fun and educational to read! I'll join in.

1. Cuckoo Marans- Mine are hilarious. One is the head hen and she always looks suspicious. The other is a pig! She will eat and eat and eat, even braving scary noises!

2. Buff Orpington- Ours is pretty spunky. She's the only one who has ever escaped! But she loves to be held and frequently falls asleep in your arms.

3. Wyandotte- Ours is the tamest of the flock. Super laid back and loves everyone.

4. Light Brahma- We didn't have ours long but she was the head hen (well, pullet) at the time. She loved people and was so intelligent. RIP Henwig.

5. Speckled Sussex- I don't have one of these yet but I plan to get one!! They are so beautiful.
I don't even have 5 breeds, so really can't make a list.
My Brahma is a bit standoffish and I'm not a fan of the feathered feet. She's a bit crabby too I guess. But, maybe it was because she was the only diva in a group of Isa Browns?
I recently acquired 2 EEs and although they are a bit flighty right now due to integration, they chat with me and run to me for cover when I'm in the run.
My Isa Browns are very inquisitive. But, again not sure they are a favorite as I haven't had much else until now. I got them along with the brahma, they were given to me from someone who was moving and couldn't keep chickens any longer.
I have a Wyandotte cockerel too. I like him well enough. He's calm and he's got a look of - if it works for you, I'm good with it. :D
I need more room, so I can have space to try out more breeds. :p
You definitely need to expand your flock. :)

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