What bacterial diseases/infections affect a hen's egg shape?


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Hello fellow BYC members!

I am trying to do a bit of research on this question and can't come with much. So, of course, I turn to the best experts I know.

I know that Newcastle's disease and egg drop syndrome can cause the shape to change, but those are both viral not bacteria.
Do you know of any bacterial infections that cause egg shell problems?

If you can cite your source, please do.
I have only dealt with chickens the last 7years daily but some of my hens from time to time will lay a more round egg or a more pointed end sphere. Or I've had new layers or senior ones that time to time lay an odd shape or textured one,but it's never ever all the time. Are you saying all the time your getting odd shapes eggs?

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