What breed is my drake? Shetland?


Dec 17, 2020
Hi all, just interested to see what you all think? Don't get me wrong I'm aware he isn't some amazing pure bred fantastic example of anything 😅 but he does bear a striking resemblance to a Shetland duck? He was given to me as a sub adult, was hatched by my neighbour in a mixed batch of eggs she was given, so always intrigued me what he might be! His name is Derwin and he is the naughtiest, meanest drake I have ever known 🤣 still love him dearly though. Thanks all x


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It's hard to know for sure, but my guesses would be:

-Poorly marked pure bred Black Swedish

-Black Swedish cross

- He could have absolutely no swedish and be from a white duck crossed with a black duck creating a black self bibbed duckling. For example crossing a Pekin with a Cayuga will give you black bibbed ducklings and a similar body shape to a black swedish.
Looks like a black swedish or a mix to me. I love his eye liner. My black swed hen has the white eye liner

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