What breed is this mystery chick?


10 Years
Apr 2, 2013
It is supposed to be a rare breed but it looks like it might be one of two choices, a speckled sussex or a game chicken of some sort. Or some other breed? It is very 'bouncy'. If I open the brooder it is gone in a flash running around the room. Oh and it has some neck 'feathers' that are longer and lay back on the body but like those little pony tails on the old mullet hairstyles. :D This photo was taken when it was only a few days old. I will try to get a new one today if I can get him without him escaping!!! He was born July sixth and is a mystery chick from McMurray.


Got this one on his escape yesterday! He is almost four weeks old now. Notice how far his wings go back? Almost touching the tail feathers.
I am calling him a he but that is just a guess based on him being a mystery chick. :D Any guesses on sex as well as the breed?
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It might be an EE since they can look like anything but from the chick photos on McMurrays it looks closest to a sussex or game chicken. It looks nothing like my three EE's for sure. :D
It does not have any puffy cheeks but then again my EE's didnt seem to have them till they got older. My avatar is one of my EE's. :)
I have been looking around at google and youtube and only finding more that look like him. lol.
How about a brown leghorn? Could that be it?
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He's absolutely a boy. Breed is a bit trickier.
I agree with that. Wasnt certain but he does have a rather prominent comb. It is funny but I would think the breed would be the easy part!!! It would be cool if your first idea off EE was true. Dont think it is though. :( lol. What I really hope its not is a game chicken. They are pretty but I have absolutely no use for one of those and I suspect my neighbors might be annoyed with a feisty game rooster waking them up. lol.

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