What breed is this please help!


8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
This is suppose to be a 15 week old Ameraucana rooster.
I just want to make sure it is before I buy him..
btw sorry for the sucky picture, it was taken with someone's camera phone..
Alright! My husband wants him regardless if he's 100% Ameraucana or not... But if he's not I have no use for him

But eh, he's only $5
How exactly can you tell? just curious.. I've never dealt with anthing all the lines of his breed. Im more into the "state the obvious" breeds like Mille Fleurs and Silkies
Ameraucanas come in a very limited number of colors, have slate legs, beard, muffs, and a pea comb. Hens lay blue eggs. EEs may or may not have beard/muffs and/or pea comb, usually have greenish colored legs (but can have any color), and come in a wide rainbow of colors with no standard color (but there are some that are very typical). Hens can lay pretty much any color egg. This particular roo is not any accepted standard Ameraucana color and looks like he might have greenish legs. True Ameraucanas are only available from breeders (and one hatchery that breeds towards the APA Standard rather than towards production). Hatcheries sell EE's as Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and Americanas.
As far as color goes he's still pretty young and could be still changing. I say this because my other Bantams are 15 weeks old also and are still changing in color (alot may I add)
on everything else you got me on since like I said before I really know nothing about breeds other then "state the obvious" ones. but I guess we'll see whats going on tomorrow when we pick him up.

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