What breed of chicken is this?

Sandy Berry

Aug 11, 2022
Can someone tell me what breed this is? I know what I was supposed to have gotten when I purchased it & another one just like her, but from what I Google they don't look anything like what they're supposed to be.


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Easter Egger. She's gorgeous!
Thank you!! Well, I got her at Tractor Supply, as a baby chicks (pullet). Of course they had a 6 minimum, & they supposedly had the Rhode Island Reds, the Silver Wyandottes, & the Sapphire Gems together... so I bought 2 of each. The Rhode Island Reds & Wyandottes are what they were supposed to be, but I would look & look at pictures of the Sapphire Gems & could not find ANY resemblance... LOL. ((Sighhh)). Well, that's not what I had wanted, but she is my favorite out of the whole bunch, so I'm not complaining. Thank you so much for the info!!

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