What breed of hen?


7 Years
Mar 20, 2017
I no longer have this hen (RIP sweet Loretta)
I would really like to know her breed if possible. I adopted her and all seven of her day old chicks years ago from an animal rescue group in central Texas.
She had blue feet, layed small white eggs, almost daily (not much bigger then pigeon eggs) She was small, but not quite as small as most bantams I've seen. All her babies had puffy cheeks, beards, some with blue and
some with yellow feet and all outgrew her in size. I know they were mixes. Hoping she wasn't a mix or too much of a mix because I would really love to have more hens with her size and coloring in the future. She was my favorite hen I have ever had and I miss her daily.

She was a wonderful mother. That is her son in the background of the photo, he is the sweetest, most loving roo I have ever had <3
She's a mix. Her muffs and beard, slightly feathered legs, and dark legs and comb lead me to believe she was a silkie mix. What the other breed or breeds in her were I can't say.
Thank you both, she really was a one of a kind chicky I guess! I'll miss her forever.

Here is her handsome son again


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