What breed/sex are these Geese

A friend found this pair on craigslist. The owner doesn't know what breed or sex they are, but she says the mother was white. Thoughts? Thank you
The one on the left looks similar to an American Buff the other one looks like it could be pilgrim but they may also be crosses. they are sure pretty.
How long will it take the chickens to get used to the geese and will they fight with the rooster?
Your not planning on penning them up together are you/ My chickens are okay with the geese but I would never pen them together. I don't think my chickens would survive and they are LF and big bullies to the Muscovy ducks I have here. Even my rooster respects the geese. free ranging on a half acre fenced in they do okay because the chickens can keep out of their way.
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I have an acre of clear land I plan on letting them free range on all day and then have a small shelter with a secure door where they could sleep. I have heard that they are able to sleep outside without a shelter at least in the warmer months. Is this true or does everyone do it different? I have a ton of cover for shade and protection. There are 9 acres of woods surrounding the acre of clear land.
Sorry, I do not have any other pictures
I have an acre of clear land I plan on letting them free range on all day and then have a small shelter with a secure door where they could sleep. I have heard that they are able to sleep outside without a shelter at least in the warmer months. Is this true or does everyone do it different? I have a ton of cover for shade and protection. There are 9 acres of woods surrounding the acre of clear land.
Sleeping outside with out protection from predators is asking for death or serious injury. geese have no way of protecting themselves from a predator with teeth. A pen secure top bottom and sides would work in warm months but making it very secure would have to be ultimate goal. I would still give them a choice of having a secure shelter especially when the females begin laying. You want them to lay in a safe place so when one becomes broody they have the best chance of hatching goslings. If that is your goal.
Their more for fun and protection for the chickens by deterring raccoons and hawks. we do have coyotes but we have never had trouble from them.
So in other words your geese are there to keep the raccoons from going after your chickens? who's going to keep the raccoons from going after your geese? geese unless a pack of them cannot protect anything, and I bet you even in a large flock someone is going to pay the price of losing their lives for the flock. My geese mean more to me that having them as a deterrent from something preying on my chickens. .@jtn42248 anything to add?

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