What breed should I get?


8 Years
Jun 8, 2015
I am on the hunt for a heritage goose breed to replace my geese. I had a pair of Toulouse (I think, never did know for sure), but something got them last night; I'm guessing coyotes..... All I found was the hen's body- headless. 😭😭😭😭
they must have been doing their job because whatever it was it didn't get anything else.
Therefore I'm on the hunt for geese, after solving the predator issue. I thought as long as I need to get new ones I might as well try to preserve a heritage breed.
I do want something that is known for guarding. Maybe Roman or Pomeranian? Any advice on what I might look for? What's a good source for that breed?
I heard african geese are like guard dogs. I have 2 and they can spot anything from the sky, things that I didn't notice like hawks. I'm not sure if they would necessarily ward off the predators though. Mine run away from the hose! 😂

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