What breed?

Chicky Crazy

6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
I'm buying two or three chicks to add to my flock. I want to get the absolutely best laying hen I can get. Some people say leghorns are best, but others say other breeds lay better. What breed REALLY lays the most?
I had real good luck with australorps. They are docile, friendly, curious and fun as well as pretty. Out of 5 hens, I was getting 3 eggs a day. We dont eat eggs every day and I was able to give away excess eggs. They are good brooders too if you want a broody hen, but I kept plenty of light in my coop and only semi-private boxes so mine never went broody even after 2 years. I really enjoyed them. Ive heard that next to leghorns, australorps are great and very sturdy in cold weather. They also come in "blue" and "splash" not just black. The eggs are brown and sometimes almost pinkish.

Ok thank you! I'm just worrying about find the best laying hen that I can get. I'm still asking for options :)
You can go with cross breeds. Sex links, no matter what color are often the very best production birds, though after 2 years their production tapers off. Red Comets, Production Reds, Black Stars, there are all kinds and most hatcheries offer them. Most people change out their sex links after 2 years and get new chicks.


I hav six chickens and two ducks I don't think ant of mine r the same breed, but my younger three
Australorpe. White leghorn and my red sex link all lay every day no matter weather I'm moving coupes or worming, my three rescues
R older my Easter egged def lays but having a molt ATM
My australorpe lays the biggest eggs but is shy

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