What breeds are my Banties?

chick lovers

6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
With my chickens.
Ok, so I got four bantam chicks from my friend and she had no idea what they were, so here they are, I believe the first two are Golden Sebrights. The next I think could be a Silver Phoenix???? The last I am almost positive is a Buff Brahma. But I am not an expert so any help is appreciated. I would also appreciate suggestions on the gender. I think I have on Sebright rooster, and the rest I am guessing are hens but I don't know.

First two are Golden Sebrights. Third chick is probably a Silver Duckwing Old English Game. Fourth chick is a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. The OEG looks like your only cockerel for now.
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First two are Golden Sebrights. Third chick is probably a Silver Duckwing Old English Game. Fourth chick is a Mille Fleur D'Uccle. The OEG looks like your only cockerel for now.

Likely a mille fleur, could still be a buff Brahma. Single comb, however, is a D'Uccle thing (Brahmas have pea combs). D'Uccles are supposed to have vulture hocks (oddball wing feathers on their legs--look super goofy

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