What breeds are on everyone's "wish list" for ordering chicks next spring?? & what hatcheries are be

i just ordered Ameruacanas from Ideal and they showed up a week ago. All of them were in perfect health and still doing great. The only issue I had with them was they had a minimum order of 25 chicks. Besides the huge min order requirement everything was great they were very helpful and packed the chicks very good. 
I would like to get

Copper Marans

Dominiquer (sp)

I found a local breeder who is willing to hatch some of each for me in the spring.

You actually got way more than you needed to :) The minimum isn't 25 chicks, it's $25.00 worth of poultry. I just ordered 16 assorted pullets. They arrive on Halloween. Can't wait to see what I get! My biggest wish for next year isn't chickens actually, but geese. I'll be getting a roman tufted gander gosling for my roman tufted goose, and I will also be hatching sebastopols.
i order 15 buff orpingtons from ideal,1st time for mail ordering,well I am a 1st time chicken owner...6 months under my belt...lol,my babies will ship monsday and beings ideal is in texas and I am in Arkansas it should be a quick trip for them ,I googled where ideal was located and they are less than 400 miles from me...it is suppose to be a nice sunny day Monday so am praying they will be warm,i ordered females so with a 90% accuracy I am praying for only 1 rooster,and he will be dinner,in april I picked up 6 chicks from the tractor supply they were all suppose to be BO,well it turned out that the 3 that were BO are roosters the 3 pullets are RSL...go figure,i really like all my babies and am not will to part with any of them so for me the only solution was to get more hens for these 3 roosters,i hope that will be the correct answer and solution
I actually want some silkies. By the time it starts to get hotter here in Florida I'm going to go to my local farm sale and see if they have some silkie chicks :D if I can't find anything there I will get some form a hatchery
Im currently incubating eight duck eggs now and are developing nicely

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