What can be wrong with my chicken please help!!

Great that the crop isn't punctured, or at least it'e healing up some?
We use Vetericn as a cleaning and healing poultry wound dress, but DO cover it with sports wrap and antibiotic ointment and be sure to change the wrap every day so it's not getting infected or smelly until the skin is healed... Hope she feels well soon!
Hi it seems to be healing but we worry when in the mornings she Wakes up she will peck herself it's hard to see the blood. Thanks for the advice I will do that right now I cut a shirt cloth to have it covered but will look for sports wrap. Thank you again
I would use antibiotic ointment on it after cleansing it twice a day with saline or chlorhexidene. Posting a picture later when it is healing would be good.
Thank you so much I will keep everybody updated we are trying our hardest so she can heal soon how much time do you think it will take to heal?
So happy to hear that the Tee shirt has allowed her to
keep from pecking, and that her wound is very small. Soon you may want to post a new picture, just for folks to see the wound progression. I don’t think that you need to ring anymore, but you can make those out of foam for water pipes, or with rolled cloth taped around the neck. If she tries pecking the bare skin later, I would some ointment with menthol, such as BenGay or a similar crème. Vicks salve would also be good, and many chickens will avoid pecking those due to the taste and odor. But the Tee Shirt is just fine for the near future, and less messy.
Hi thank you so much and yeah I will do that and I will try to post a picture today so you all can see the progress like you said. I really appreciate it.
Good morning so sorry I haven't posted a picture I have been so busy but before I forget here is a picture this one I took on Wednesday or Tuesday.


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It seems unbelievable that the skin could regrow to cover that massive space...but I've seen it before on here.
Looking forward to progress pics.
Hi yes its a hard process because we had to keep her from pecking and seeing that big cut. But we are glad it's almost closed I am going to post another recent picture. Thank you all for helping out.
So glad that she is continuing to heal. Thanks for the update.
Hi yes she is doing much better on the big cut and less a pecker and we are glad for that. I will keep updating until it's fully closed. Thank you to all.

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