What causes chicks not to pip?

City Chicken

7 Years
Aug 25, 2012
What causes chicks to not pip internally and or externally?
I just put in breathing holes for 14 remaining chicks from a bath of 34... Four were sloshy...
But 10 were perfect from what I could tell, half didn't internally pip... The other half did but didn't make it to external pip.
One was just not finished yet and I gave him an air hole and put him back.
But what causes this? What am I doing wrong? I'm using a dry hatch method. The ones that do come out are great... And from what I can see there wasn't anything weird bat the air cells with the ones that didn't makes it.
I want a better outcome...
Want a better outcome ??? Give us more information so we can make an educated guess
What type incubator? (still air, forced air)
What has the temperature been?
What humidity have you been using?
What day are the eggs on ?
Still air stryrofome incubator. Automatic turner.

99.5-100.5 temp. 50% humidity using hygrometer to monitor.

Lockdown at day 18... First hatch and humidity goes up to 70%-80% and stays there as they continue to hatch. I open as little as possible.

i let the first batch stay in a day and a half before opening. On the end of day 23 I pipped and above is what I found. Only only survivor, still downstairs waiting to hatch on day 23.

I think my final count for live chicks is 19 with 4 goopy and 10 dead in their shells.
The causes for chicks dying at this late stage or failing to pip could be too high or too low humidity, too high or too low temperature during incubation, incorrect turning of the eggs during the early stages of incubation, the eggs being stored too long before setting, or the hens who's eggs are being incubated lacks some nutrients in their diet.

If you can give us some more info on the eggs and the incubation and the temperature/humidity during incubation, we may be able to help you figure this out.

ETA: oops, we posted at the same time. I think the problem may be with the eggs. Where did you get them, how old were they etc?
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I would interpret your "goopy" as being to wet. Did you, by chance, candle the dear in the shell to check air cell size?
They are my own eggs. Hens on forage and layers pellets, acv in water.... Kitchen scraps etc...
Goopy is more like sloshy, ie I think they quit after I candled last at 14 days.
My eggs are no more than two weeks old. I keep them in a cool basement with the bigger side up.
Air cell size was normal on all, except one, which was too small, this is the one that is alive, and I think it was too small because the chick just got too big as it was growing to 23 days... It's still alive downstairs, trying to hatch.
I read somewhere on here about increasing the protein for the hens increases the egg viability...
Any suggestions would be helpful!

I've noticed more misshapen eggs lately... Someone is laying weird eggs. But i never set those...
ive got the same problem, i set 10 eggs in incy but my temp dropped a couple of times, had 2 hatch on day 24 one of them we helped, and 1 hatch on day 25 we helped that too! other 7 still in incy not even pipped yet but im waiting till day 30 then opening them! on day 28 now all candelled with perfect air sacks and are very dark in the egg,but some on this forum have hatched out at day 30 so i am giving them a chance, the 3 chicks are doing great x

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