What did this???


Aunt Angus

5 Years
Jul 16, 2018
Nevada County, CA
I woke up this morning to find a weird scene:

My SUV car door open. Handle is 3 1/2 feet up.

The contents of the trunk strewn about the car

The goat feed I store in there all over

The bucket I keep my goat feed in about 50ft away from the car with the lid ripped off and puncture marks

Zero damage to the car or its interior, no claw marks, tracks, scat - nothing. Nothing on the ground or anywhere on the car's exterior that I can see.

Quick backstory: We're getting ready to leave for vacation, so I stocked up on supplies, which were still in the trunk of my car. I keep the goat feed in reused kitty litter buckets for convenience. I keep it in the car for the moment because my goats got into it a few weeks ago, so I'm trying to figure out a storage solution. In the meantime, I thought the back of my SUV was secure. I was wrong, clearly.

There's also a strong skunky/musky smell. And nothing else is touched (garbage cans on the side of the house, bags of chicken feed also in the trunk, etc).

Happened some time between 4:00am and 5:30am. Hubby leaves for work at 4. I went outside and discovered the scene at 5:30.

So what do y'all think did this?
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Seriously though, no scratches, prints, scat? That is indeed strange, especially with no garbage touched either. That puncture mark is way to regular, also...

Neighbourhood kids getting into the Halloween spirit early and scattered when they heard you is the only thing I can think of.

Seriously though, no scratches, prints, scat? That is indeed strange, especially with no garbage touched either. That puncture mark is way to regular, also...

Neighbourhood kids getting into the Halloween spirit early and scattered when they heard you is the only thing I can think of.
I doubt it. We live pretty far out from any neighborhoods in the woods. In order to scatter, they'd have to run about 1/2 a mile uphill on a gravel road or through the woods. And they'd have rooted through the glove box or console and opened the trunk, not the side door.

But, yeah... Weird... I'm leaning toward aliens at this point. Aliens who love goat feed - lol!

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