What did you do in the garden today?

We finally got off the road (working out of state) in April. I just put a small garden in last week. (We've been clearing land and fencing in 10 acres, built a chicken coop, and are in the process of building a home.) So this morning I watered/fed the garden and picked off the leafminer affected leaves. Next I'll be starting lemon trees from seed and spraying roundup on the new growth coming up in our cleared areas. Hubby is back on the road working. He informed me 2 days ago that he ordered me some more trees (mimosa, avocado, crepe myrtles, and a fig). Today I will have to decide where to plant them and pick up some tree and shrub miracle grow (we have sand here) so I'm ready to plant them when they arrive!
Today I put holes in the bottom all of the gallon milk jugs and 2 liter bottles I had been saving. I found the idea on pinterest.com to use them as a slow drip watering system in my tomato garden. Since tomatoes don't like to get their leaves wet, I can now just fill up the jugs and let the water slowly leak out.
I got 2 huge Zuchini that were hiding from me and a nice bunch of runner beans.

Fried the Zuke up nice with egg and cracker crumb and ate em fer dinner.

Got 4 little wiggly worms for the chicks.

Funniest thing ever when one grabs the worm and they all come running to see what that one is eating. It becomes a mad dog pile and frantic fluttering of wings.
So I'm having a war with the squirrels over MY tomatoes.
I put deer netting around all 16 plants today so we'll see if that keeps their grubby little hands off of MY tomatoes. Boy, I hope so.
So I'm having a war with the squirrels over MY tomatoes.  :barnie  I put deer netting around all 16 plants today so we'll see if that keeps their grubby little hands off of MY tomatoes.  Boy, I hope so.

I sure hope that works for you! I'm getting ready to water the garden. I just put up another game cam. I found what I believe to be raccoon tracks in the sand :( .
Ooh, another nice thread to follow on BYC. I'm only getting back into veggies a few years after moving into our home, and I haven't had a big spot to play with since I was a kid. The only place to start my veggies and get enough sun for the greedy peppers and tomatoes was on the far side of the driveway, a ways from the house. We have hoses that can reach when strung together, but they have to wind through our million perennials which is dicey. So today, with no rain in sight, I had to lug down the watering cans to give them a drink. I'm trying out Square Foot Gardening and the mix drains nicely but does have to be watched for drying.

I like the tip posted above about filling jugs with holes for a drip system. I hadn't considered that! I wonder how big the holes should be? As the days heat up lugging those cans is going to get a lot more tiresome. Too bad the prior owners didn't run water to the ends of the yard. But then, they never planted a thing so I guess they didn't need to!

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