What did you do in the garden today?

It may not be blight. Like I said I don’t know much about it but I have always been curious about potatoes in a pot because when it comes to companion planting potatoes don’t like anything but cabbage. But I didn’t know if any of that counted when the plants are inside a pot because after 10 potato plants it saves a lot of room to put them in pots
It may not be blight. Like I said I don’t know much about it but I have always been curious about potatoes in a pot because when it comes to companion planting potatoes don’t like anything but cabbage. But I didn’t know if any of that counted when the plants are inside a pot because after 10 potato plants it saves a lot of room to put them in pots

Blights can be caused by different fungi and could possibly become airborn or transported by pollinators I suppose. Or you could carry it on your boots from one plot to another. I don't think it would matter, pot or plot. If there's an issue that takes root in something susceptible then anything else can get it that could.
That was just a curiosity question not sure I think that’s what’s wrong with my tomatoes though. The leaves weren’t dead or Brown they were just a weird purpleish brown color but other than that they seemed fine. It’s just weird I’ve never seen my tomato leaves turn that weird purpleish color

Curiosity is a good thing! It's how we learn right? I'm curious too and sometimes just want to know :highfive:

I have seen some leaves with a slight purplish cast before but I didn't pay much attention and I don't recall having an issue. However, I did a search and it could be nutrient deficiency or disease. Maybe they need some food. It's been a month or so right, since you fed them? ETA purple leaves could mean a phosphorus deficiency in tomatoes.
It's just about 0400 and I've already watered the backyard, working on the front. I swear it's 10* cooler out there now that things are wet. I've been watering the compost pile quite a bit lately and it's slowly spreading out. Was going to work on that today but I think the girls have lice :hitso will be dealing with that, bah! I've really got to discourage wild birds from the coop and yard. Not sure how I'm going to do that but for now I'm reducing the amount of feed and increasing frequency and changing routine a bit.
Purple tomato leaves--I think I read somewhere that it's a deficiency in phosphorous. I had it one time on seedlings when I was feeding them a kelp/fish emulsion that was off.

I've got a sick little one. She's hunched over and a little off balance. Still eating and drinking though. I'm wondering if she got into some wet/spoiled feed. With all the rain we've had, I've been coming home to completely flooded feeders. I bring them all in at night to deter creatures, but some she may have pecked up some that spilled and spoiled. She's about eight weeks now; my youngest. A splash marans. I cleaned up everything and got fresh feed, and put nutri-drench in the waterers. Hope that helps, I like her.
Purple tomato leaves--I think I read somewhere that it's a deficiency in phosphorous. I had it one time on seedlings when I was feeding them a kelp/fish emulsion that was off.

I've got a sick little one. She's hunched over and a little off balance. Still eating and drinking though. I'm wondering if she got into some wet/spoiled feed. With all the rain we've had, I've been coming home to completely flooded feeders. I bring them all in at night to deter creatures, but some she may have pecked up some that spilled and spoiled. She's about eight weeks now; my youngest. A splash marans. I cleaned up everything and got fresh feed, and put nutri-drench in the waterers. Hope that helps, I like her.
Could it be cocci? Droopy wings?

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