What did you do in the garden today?

Grab a post pounder. You can rent them from HomeDepot if you don't want to buy one. VERY handy and worth EVERY penny. Gets the posts in straight and fast.
I bought one of those in late 2017. First time I used it I hugged and asked where it had been all my life. It’s so easy and you get a little cardio workout on top of that. Lol! Not sure how long this outbreak of avian flu will last. I was alerted by a member on the Massachusetts thread. There are lakes all around me but I rarely see ducks flying. Most waterfowl are geese and an occasional egret. I suspect the heavy population of hawks and eagles keeps them away. The netting I bought is still in the box but it’s supposed to be a smaller mesh of 1 inch squares. That should keep the smaller birds away.
I was just reading that they've found it all around me in ducks. Contemplating my options here. My neighbors all feed the birds & I have seen a duck or 2 in the wetlands in my back yard. My run is covered, but the little song birds can get thru the netting. I don't really want to lock them all up in their small runs, but I might.

Does anyone say how long the outbreak could last, or is that not anything they know? Like in humans we have a flu season, is it the same with birds? Is that a dumb question, lol?
It’s about 25 days give or take from now for the birds to finish their northern migration. Then you have to lock up again during fall for the southern migration.
Well, the best laid plans…hubs and I had two different ideas about what we are building so he’s now drawing up plans. I guess technically we’re building an arbor and not an arch. Then the kid showed up and now we haven’t used the shredder yet either. I’m getting lazy now so will finish that up tomorrow. The daughter will have to do the shopping tomorrow, and only the lilac has shipped from Gurneys, but I have to finish prepping for it along with the other stuff. That reminds me, I’m going to have my son help me move dirt, see ya later all.
I bought one of those in late 2017. First time I used it I hugged and asked where it had been all my life. It’s so easy and you get a little cardio workout on top of that. Lol! Not sure how long this outbreak of avian flu will last. I was alerted by a member on the Massachusetts thread. There are lakes all around me but I rarely see ducks flying. Most waterfowl are geese and an occasional egret. I suspect the heavy population of hawks and eagles keeps them away. The netting I bought is still in the box but it’s supposed to be a smaller mesh of 1 inch squares. That should keep the smaller birds away.
I felt the same way when I bought a post jack this year, finally.
3x on the post pounder. Quick and straight posts in much less time and trouble, one of my best purchases.

There's a spot near a fence on our walking path that hens that use as a secret laying nest. I let the lady who lives there know the first time I saw the 24 eggs in the nest and she took out 20 but left the rest. Well now it's up to about 20 eggs and I can't wait for warmer weather to hit, it'll be a stink bomb going off!

Greens haven't grown much yet, and it's been about 60 during the days, but the nights are in the 30 so I'm not surprised. It's supposed to rain the next couple of days so that should help. I can't wait till the garden really takes off. The asparagus is just starting to sprout. The one that I started from a root has a big stalk, the seeded ones are pretty tiny still but they're all 2 years old so I'm hoping to get some harvestable sprouts.
I've been working all day on work stuff. Probably going to be like that tomorrow and Monday too (which I'm supposed to have off). I have 3 powerpoint presentations to work on that have to be done by Tuesday. Each one has over a dozen slides.... Ugh....I'd rather be working in the garden. DH finally built the raised the bed for the thornless blackberries I got on clearance last fall. I told him he HAD to finish it up since they are budding out and I need to get them in the ground. I'll see if he and DS will fill it up tomorrow with some composted wood chips/pine needles that I need to find a home for....then I'll take a quick break and go plant them. Headed to North Carolina this week for a business trip too.... I think I'll take NEXT Monday off since I'm getting cheated out of my holiday on Monday.
Speaking of wood chippers/shredders, I have a lot of invasive honeysuckle. I pull up/ dig up what I can and the rest I cut back/ down. My question is can I still put those branches through the wood chipper as use it as mulch on my garden? I’m thinking the pieces will be too small to root a new bush. What do you all think?

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