What did you do in the garden today?

I spent most of the day outside. Sunny and low 60s. Beautiful day! I fertilized all the fruit trees and berries today. Did a little pruning on the peaches and apple tree. I also started seeds today - 6 varieties of tomatoes, ground cherries, goji berries, sesame, and flax plants. In 2 weeks, I'll start squash, melons, etc...all the big stuff. Allergies are driving me crazy now. Hoping to get started on permanent fixes to the hoop house tomorrow after church.
This reminds me to prune and fertilize our peach tree. Thanks!
Today we managed to get outside to fill the tiered beds and top off two of the large 8x4 beds. Thankfully, HD still had half a pallet of the garden soil on clearance for $2.90 per 1.5 cu ft bag. I ended up buying 20 today and used the 13 we had left over from last weekend. Those bags weigh ~60lbs I would say... that would mean I lifted over 3000 lbs of dirt all in (lifted the 20 new bags twice). We also used several wheelbarrows of semi- composted leaves raked from the chicken run and old wet straw. We snuck a few logs in the bottom of the beds too. Pretty much used any material we had on hand to get those beds filled, but in a thoughtout fashion.


@Sally PB if you look in the back right corner of this pic you'll see a half a bed taken over by Egyptian Walking Onions that you sent us. :)
Good morning gardeners. No gardening today. All settled and finished with shoveling and it's already nearing 40F. I put my blueberry bushes in the sunroom for now @karenerwin. One of them already has leaves developing. After speaking with DD, we decided 2 more bushes would be good. The price is good and there's plenty of space. I need to make another trip to the feed store already. Since the chickens aren't getting out to forage every day they've been eating a lot more pellets. I hope to be able to shovel a little later today so they can get out a bit. I bought a very large planter to up plant my lime tree and my poinsettia. I'll transfer the lime tree to the really large pot then put the poinsettia into the former lime tree pot. My poinsettia is about 30 inches tall right now, that's from the top of the soil to it's tallest leaves. Apparently they can grow up to 12 feet. This plant is 11 years old and still growing. The lime tree is 10 years old but is maybe 13 to 14 inches tall. it's bushier though. I'm hoping it will grow taller. My red geranium will go into the poinsettia pot. I'm going to try planting dill into large pots this year. I haven't found a good place for dill and the plant that came up with my SM tomatoes last year did not get much height on it. But that's enough gardening planning for one day.
Good morning gardeners. No gardening today. All settled and finished with shoveling and it's already nearing 40F. I put my blueberry bushes in the sunroom for now @karenerwin. One of them already has leaves developing. After speaking with DD, we decided 2 more bushes would be good. The price is good and there's plenty of space. I need to make another trip to the feed store already. Since the chickens aren't getting out to forage every day they've been eating a lot more pellets. I hope to be able to shovel a little later today so they can get out a bit. I bought a very large planter to up plant my lime tree and my poinsettia. I'll transfer the lime tree to the really large pot then put the poinsettia into the former lime tree pot. My poinsettia is about 30 inches tall right now, that's from the top of the soil to it's tallest leaves. Apparently they can grow up to 12 feet. This plant is 11 years old and still growing. The lime tree is 10 years old but is maybe 13 to 14 inches tall. it's bushier though. I'm hoping it will grow taller. My red geranium will go into the poinsettia pot. I'm going to try planting dill into large pots this year. I haven't found a good place for dill and the plant that came up with my SM tomatoes last year did not get much height on it. But that's enough gardening planning for one day.
I have found that trimming dill really helps make it bushier and I had a huge harvest!
I've never grown swiss chard. I've never eaten it either. Willing to try anything though, and if I don't like it at last it should be an attractive plant.
This is my first year growing swiss chard too. Most of my family (except me) is revolted by anything green...so I'm growing the bright lights chard to see if they will try it. 😂 If not, I'll just give it to the bunny.
We had a crawfish boil last night. I saved the skeletons for the garden. Now I just need to figure out the best slurry to make with them or if I should just grind them up and add to the soil.

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When I grow tomatoes I use a post hole digger for each plant, throw in a piece of banana peel, shrimp tails, eggshells, and coffee grounds. Top with one scoop of dirt then plant the tomato. Have never had to add fertilizer during the season when I do this.

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