What did you do in the garden today?

Thanks for clarity on carrot seed sowing. Last great was or first real success with carrots, so learning here still with them. I'll be waiting until late April/early May then. That's when we planted them last year as well.
What zone are you? I’m 5B. I can check my notes about when I started carrots if your zone is same!
Good afternoon gardeners. Not much in the garden today, I will be to going out to water the fruit trees a little bit, going to add some neem just to give ‘em a defensive boost before any issues have a chance to start. I have a couple of shrubs that need some sprayed on too. Waiting for the kids to get here, that’ll be my escape. I just topped up the water in the Aerogardens and opened up the house for the afternoon. It’s very pleasant outside with only a light breeze from time to time. We’re supposed to hit the 80’s by Friday, but overnight lows are still a wee chilly to fully open the coop yet. I can’t complain, we didn’t start summer in February this year. Our rain and snowfall totals have been a huge boon and super grateful for that! I have a couple of gardening books coming; one is Hydroponic Food Production and the other is Gardening With Less Water. Can’t wait for those to get here! I heard the kids pull up, going outside for some peace and quiet. Have a good evening all.
I like the fact you buy two books that are pretty much opposing each other.
Garden question of the day:
When do you sow carrots seeds?

I find sources saying to site in early Spring as son as soil could be worked. How frost hardy are the seedlings really? I have a nantes type seed btw.
I have a Clyde's planting guide. If you can tell me your "average last spring frost" date - I can give you a date for planting carrot seeds.

Edit: I just looked up your hardiness zone. You should be able to safely plant carrot seeds on May 3
Lastly, I want to share something about my experience with multi vitamins. Centrum Sliver for MEN 50 plus was the best and most effective of them all, including stuff sold on the internet. Their new formula brought me back to life.........
That’s the one from the television commercials! Is it supposed to boost testosterone levels?
I like the fact you buy two books that are pretty much opposing each other.
Curious if hydroponics actually uses less water... We assume a lot of water because of the amount of water in the system, but it's a pretty well sealed system so evaporative loss is likely much less than typical growing/ watering methods.

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