What did you do in the garden today?

one of them got a strange disease, one day, it had one branch with leaves drooping, the next day, all the leaves were drooping 🤷🏻‍♀️ it was literally dead within a day 😮

it happened to me as well. in my case it happened when there was hot wind and 0 humidity. every year I loose some trees due to that. last august I lost 2 almond trees that are supposed to be tough. they probably didn't develop roots as they were planted in spring.
One of the happy notes from yesterday’s work is the White Sage plot did not get crushed, and looks great. One of the fruit trees we planted last year did make it… bummer side, big Apple tree went down and crushed the lime tree so both will have to be replaced. Will need to move the soil in crushed beds and rebuild them… herb garden completely destroyed except the white sage.

Anyway we will see what survived and replace as we shift trees, downed fencing, damage sheds and coops… the brambles always survive. I wish I could keep a goat here. 😂
Waiting for the land to dry up enough to move 100 ton of manure out to the garden. The ground is like a nuns knickers where I am - sopping.
Man. Have I been going to the wrong church. Lol

On the menu in the garden today? Calcium. Been dissolving egg shells in plain ol vinegar and applying it according to the directions on a commercial calcium acetate product.

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