What did you do in the garden today?

Brad's Crazy Cherry tomato is really crazy. All you need is one plant to get tired of them. The taste kind of remind of currant tomatoes. I will put a handful of green ones in my left-over pickling brine. I don't think the yellow ones will hold its texture.
The Purple Zebra is my go-to for tomato salads.......

I did a million, billion things outside today, but most of all I finished a project that's been on my punch list for 9.5 years. The zero turn was eating away the dirt below this tree I planted and nothing would grow there anymore and it was starting to erode. I FINALLY dug a tree ring and put in stone, all with proper underlay, drainage etc. The mulch looks weird because of the angle of the hill and where I chose to stand to take the photo. It's not heaped like it appears.

4 hours, one of which was a quick run to the city and back to grab 8 more stones and 8 bags of mulch. Yes, it's a LARGE area.
Went camping for the weekend. Came back and the garden looks good except for a few weeds. I forgot to plant greenbeans on Friday that I started soaking on Thursday. The bowl was out of water (only filled it to cover the seeds) but the beans were still wet and plump. Some just began to sprout even. I gently planted them in the garden. Fingers crossed they grow - people start seeds in paper towel and plant them and they grow, so why shouldn't these?
Eggs are out of the freeze dryer and packaged. @TJAnonymous they are just as weird and rubbery as I remember from camping days. BUT, a HUGE BUT, they taste amazing. There is just no way around rubbery eggs, the FDrying process busts the air cells and the heat portion tightens up that protein strands configuration.
These are already cooked eggs - plain. I'm going to try egg salad tomorrow - treating them like boiled eggs. The bread should distract from the texture.
Next egg batch will be smaller and I'll do raw eggs for baking.
Cooking rehydrated raw egg still gets you rubbery eggs, but like I said the flavor of farm eggs over commercial freeze dried eggs is night and day.
Next batch of stuff is Cincinnati chili.

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