What did you do with your flock today?

I finally have some pictures of the not so little girls. That's a big girl in the foreground of the first pic. All are having a great time foraging, chest bumping, running to get treats. Changed all the feed to 19% for everyone, so no worries about the pullets getting unintended calcium until 6 more weeks. They made 10 weeks on Tuesday.
Onyx seems back to her normal self. Hasn't laid any more eggs yet. Not sure what her ailment was, but am relieved that she is well.
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I had a bird that magically recovered too. She went from happy and healthy to shrunken comb and pale and breathing hard in like 2 days. I figured she was egg bound, but she wasn't. Gave her all the egg bound treatment, but she didn't lay an egg. After 4days I figured it wasn't egg bound, because she should be dead. She then got to hang out in my sick pen for like a month. Got oil of oregano for 2 weeks. Chick food, and honey/acv water for 3 weeks, and after that she still didn't seem like she was good, but didn't seem as bad. Put her back with the flock (with careful monitoring)... because chickens like being with their flock. She has slowly recovered, and is good now.
No idea what happened, but I'm glad she survived.
I think there’s still a chance with the one in the bottom picture on the very left (my left)!


The one you mentioned is one of the two sitting on the left side of this photo.
I finally have some pictures of the not so little girls. That's a big girl in the foreground of the first pic. All are having a great time foraging, chest bumping, running to get treats. Changed all the feed to 19% for everyone, so no worries about the pullets getting unintended calcium until 6 more weeks. They made 10 weeks on Tuesday.
Onyx seems back to her normal self. Hasn't laid any more eggs yet. Not sure what her ailment was, but am relieved that she is well.
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That's great news! Hope she stays well ❤️🤞
I finally have some pictures of the not so little girls. That's a big girl in the foreground of the first pic. All are having a great time foraging, chest bumping, running to get treats. Changed all the feed to 19% for everyone, so no worries about the pullets getting unintended calcium until 6 more weeks. They made 10 weeks on Tuesday.
Onyx seems back to her normal self. Hasn't laid any more eggs yet. Not sure what her ailment was, but am relieved that she is well.
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Ahhh they’re getting all grown up! So pretty 😍
Still busy busy here but in the best way.
Took pictures of the dwarf babies from Greenfire for a friend so thought I'd share them. They're still wild Chicken Little type guys. 3 definitely boys, 2 definitely girls and 2 not completely certain still.View attachment 3833465
Awwww! Beeby ODs! 😍😍😍 They look good!

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