What do I need to do to prepare run?


May 8, 2020
We are building a rotating paddock system for my chickens (still currently "chicks"), total area is roughly 90'x56' divided into three or four paddocks. The ground is mostly a grass/clover mix. I tried to put down chicken forage mix but some stupid Canada geese came and ate most of it....

What do I need to do before they are turned out on it? It's been getting mowed so I assume I need to make sure there are no clippings?
A few questions..
How many chickens are you planning on??
Reason for question,, do you need a paddock system??
Will you have overhead protection?? predators are everywhere
Would you be better off to build a movable large tractor??

I assume I need to make sure there are no clippings? You know what ass-u-me translates to :gig
Clippings would be last thing I would be concerned about. Yes I have read where chickens have gotten impacted crop, or something similar as result of eating blades of grass. I also believe in Darwin's' Natural Selection.
I have been keeping chickens for 20+ years now. They graze in my back yard on grass, as well as scratch thru a thick layer of grass clippings I place in their run area. Never had any bad instances. I do provide feed for them always. I fill their feed bowl first thing in the morning, and remove any feed when they roost for the night. (don't want to feed night-time visitors)
Maybe the peeps that incurred the bad situations with clippings:idunno fed their chickens on a schedule they thought was correct:rolleyes: but actually was not.
Did not feed enough???:old
Had chickens that did not have a decent Chicken IQ ???
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and,:welcome
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Yes there will be overhead protection. I currently have 14 chicks, one confirmed cockrel and four+ I have suspicions about, and I ordered 15 more (I don't want that total amount but it was the minimum order amt so I'll sell the extras once they are older). I want to end up with 16-20 birds.

Not sure why you are suggesting a radically different plan from what I asked about when my picture clearly shows significant investment in my current plan. But ok, I don't need to go out with a manure fork and rake up dead grass. Thank you :)
The ground is mostly a grass/clover mix.

That should be a good foraging mix. Don't let the pursuit of perfection blind you to a situation that is plenty good enough. If that turf is established you are in good shape.

What do I need to do before they are turned out on it?

Nothing except finish any fencing and other facilities.

It's been getting mowed so I assume I need to make sure there are no clippings?

I would not and don't. My situation is different to yours. Instead of rotating them through paddocks I have an area inside electric netting big enough that it all stays green in the growing season. They eat certain grasses and weeds and ignore others. To keep the "others" from taking over and crowding out the good stuff, I have to mow it regularly. I just mow it and leave the clippings where they fall. It has never caused a problem.
I would also add some sort of chicken playground/climbing/roosting area that you can move when you change padlocks. I know my girls run around like mad men but enjoy taking naps in the sun on a simple "tree" I made out of 2x4 and some branches.
I would also add some sort of chicken playground/climbing/roosting area that you can move when you change padlocks. I know my girls run around like mad men but enjoy taking naps in the sun on a simple "tree" I made out of 2x4 and some branches.
I was going to do that too :) Do you have any pictures? I need ideas!

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