What do people do with mini horses?

my boss use to show them and then breed them. But she stopped and there just pets now.

They live as long as a regular horse if kept well.
mini's are odd critters, they were once (probably still are) used in mines. Often never seeing the light of day, small, rugged and able to pull carts of coal or stone up out of the mine.
Like with a lot of things, once the wagon wheels are turning, I guess they can plod along for a long while and like with any of us, happiest when working or doing something.

I frequently get upset with the amount of people in this state that OWN a horse(s) and no feilds for them to graze, trot, run. They walk in circles and eat hay.
People are owning horses as possesions, not as pets. Yes they seem to get cleaned, water and feed, but you can see the cribbing, eating buildings away just to keep happy. Cribbing is normal in a way, but if horses are happy, they do not do this-or as much.

So if you own a horse, treat it like you should, ride, show your pet that he is valued as a member of your family. I have a neighbor that has a horse that won all these ribbons for barrel racing and shows, yet she is now 20 and stops in, does the things she needs and leaves. So sad. I sneak over, pat him, talk to him and give him a treat, carrot or apple. (they know I do go over and they told me it was ok. )
Imagine, a nice green lawn and a horse in a dirt dry pen.
People do this with minis! If I had mini's I would want to do this!

Watch that dirt FLY!!

Gotta love it!



here is my perlino mini 30 inch tall he is a stallion and sweet boy, has blue eyes..nobody under 18 is allowed near him nys law and insurance also cause he is a stallion..he is from buckaroo lines . he will be 4 yrs old this july..double reg amha/amhr ..I also have a bay pinto filly she is 10 months old sweet as can be also when she is 3 yrs old I will breed her to my stallion..i think care of them is simple easy not expensive as there large cousins most dont wear shoes just trim feet..dont eat much ..just have to watch in take of feed gain weight easy..i live and breathe my minis they are my children...he will be trained this summer to drive he is very smart also ...

this is my other mini bay pinto filly when I first got her ..she is 10 months old now much bigger.. she is getting bigger mane and tail filling out nicely.. will put more recent pics up soon just been real cold outside ..she is very gentle sweet loves to give me kisses always watching what i am doing or where I am ..she cries when I go to feed her she knows when feed time is..so does my other one too..i think they are much easier too handle than their larger cousins. but don't let size fool you they are strong too.. she is reg. also.. will be double reg. next year.. she loves to run in pasture with her tail flagging and looks so pretty when she does.. she will be about 32 inches tall full grown ..she likes to play game of catch eventually I always win lol...but she does it for about 5 minutes.. her little game of fun..i am very dedicated to both of them always doing something with them they love attention and people, if someone is interested in them make sure you have the time for them. I have seen many people get them look after them for a month or two then leave them out to pasture and forget about them not fair to the animal..i don't ming going out at 10 below zero and playing with them and cleaning or feed..remember it is a big responsibility ...these two have excellent bloodlines but you can get much cheaper. I just wanted to breed good stock ..good luck to all whom might seek one..

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