What do you do for a living?

Rebbetzin: That looks like a golden campine, if so I raise some of those myself. Beautiful birds.

Retired Pastor, and Deputy sheriff. Loved my work, and the opportunity to serve my fellow man and community. I go through around four hundred chickens every year as I raise the babies and sell them at four months for egg layers. My own private flock is mainly Black/coppers and Seramas.

Raising chickens is very theraputic and soothing. Paraclete 2
Stay at home mum. 5 days a week....

Two days a week.... Probate Administrator for Bonhams Auctioneers (UK)

Chief cook and bottle washer... driver.. chicken keeper.... decorator....gardener... and anything else my family throws at me....
Most nights you don't want to know...

I'm looking into winning the lottery (though I hear you have to play first in order to win) or recieving a large inheritance from a long lost rich relative so that I can quit my job and move to a huge spread of land out in the middle of nowhere, raise a family, raise all of my own food, and be totally self sufficent.

I don't want for much... really.
Vet tech at a specialty and emergency center, on the ER side of things. That basically means I do everything from surgical assistant, anesthesia, phlebotomy, lab technician,reception,radiology,dog walker , cage cleaner, aggressive animal restrainer,laundry maid, dish washer, and pet food server. Did I forget anything? I may not make a bundle at my job, but it is diverse, and I get to work with and bring my own animals to work every day.
Let me know how that works out for you.

I have one class left to finish my teaching degree but am totally burned out on school and the politics that go along with teaching at this point. I have been subbing as a teachers associate lately for spending money.
I am Front Office manager at a Major hotel... I hate my Job but love my Guests.... Would much rather be homesteading... But you gotta make the money to buy the land and house and animals and feed and housing etc etc etc etc etc
Why cant money just come to you when you need it...
Teacher, 14.5 yrs- B.A. and M.A. and currently working on supplemental endorsements --- absolutely LOVE it. It is what keeps me smiling and loving life. Let me know if you need assistance with anything as you work towards your degree. This year, I am fortunate to have been selected to go through mentoring training and have 2 first year teachers that I am mentoring, in addition to teaching my classes. It has been a wonderful experience.

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