What do you got in the fridge that should not be there?

One week ago I cleaned the entire fridge, top to bottom, tossing everything into the compost bucket that could not be salvaged. I spent the evening with my daughters at my parents house this evening and come home to put some leftovers in the fridge. There is now a blood pool from a thawing wild turkey breast that my husband conveniently left on the top shelf to drip and puddle on every shelf all the way down to the bottom under the drawers. There is also about 40 lbs worth of cucumbers and 20 lbs of green peppers out of the garden because I ran out of room on the countertop, and I still haven't decided what to do with them. Aside from that, it's pretty normal, some apples and yesterday's dinner that the kids didn't eat and swore that they would eat it for lunch today.
worms, live super worms.

Ash eggs- aka millenium eggs
( anyone know what that is?)

That's it for the gross stuff! But, what you should be wondering is what is in my freezer.... hehehhehee!
Uhhh are you seriously going to eat the ash egg? Those things make my stomach flip just thinking about them. My cousin tried one while overseas in the Navy and i have seen pictures of her face and there is no way on this green earth!!
Dog vaccine and seeds for my vegetable garden. Dead rabbit in the freezer.

My friends think all those items are strange things to have around, but it's nice to know among this crowd, that doesn't even cause a blip on the weird-meter.
In the freezer? A dead raccoon.

We've been overrun with them and are trapping and thinning them out as we can. I bury them if I have enough time before leaving for work but the other morning I was running late. The DW was not terribly impressed.
Me too. I did keep Pretzel's body (miniature dachshund) in the freezer for a year, though... couldn't bury him when he was killed due to emotional baggage, and then the ground got too hard when I was ready. Had to wait for wet weather to modify the freakin' adobe concrete ground.... then the blackberry brambles got too wild for me to tackle putting him in his favorite spot... so I finally cut them down and hosed the spot for hours so I could dig a grave for him. He was a pup-sicle until then.

Have real soil at the new house, and friends just discovered Gwen, Porcelain D'Uccle had passed when they checked today (a day I'm not going up to the property) so they put her body in a zip-lock bag in the freezer for me to bury this weekend.

And in the fridge in the rental house where I currently actually live (until there's running water at the new house), there is a multitude of science projects, some batteries, a couple packs of cigarettes, and a tub o' mealworms for the flock still residing there.
Uhhh are you seriously going to eat the ash egg? Those things make my stomach flip just thinking about them. My cousin tried one while overseas in the Navy and i have seen pictures of her face and there is no way on this green earth!!

Googled "ash egg", got a bunch of Pokemon stuff.
Googled "millennium eggs", got the "century eggs": you know, the Chinese stuff.

If you're talking about those(I think they used to make them with lead and stuff), those are tasty!
Generic injectable penicillin, betadine swabs, alcohol swabs, and sometimes I stick various computer parts in the ice box (in the ice cubes) after waterproofing it..

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