What do you love about chickens?

What do I love about chickens? Oh, where do I start? What don't I love about chickens?

Here's a few reasons I started having OCD (Obsessive Chicken Disorder):
  • Chickens are underrated and misunderstood birds, stereotyped as dumb and emotionless animals that are only useful for food. It always surprises people when I tell them chickens have about the same intelligence as a dog, and possess abilities beyond a human child.
  • The sheer amount of breeds that chickens can come in has always attracted me to them. One person can never keep track of all that, but each breed's history is very interesting to study. From use in war to attempting to make the world's deadliest chicken, there's always an in-depth story to every breed.
  • Another stereotype that chickens get is that they are weak, flightless, and vulnerable. I have to remind people that roosters have spurs as sharp as knives, and hens will put up quite the fight as well. Also, one of the only breeds that is almost flightless and vulnerable would be Cornish Cross, but almost every other breed is very skilled at flight. Bantams can fly for a mile and turn any direction they want while doing so, excuse you.
  • Chickens amaze me by the fact that the females can practically give birth every day and still live. That is a skill, if I can say the least, and certainly proves that chickens are less vulnerable than people believe. All the while, you can be collecting blue, green, pink, etc. colored eggs that people don't believe exist!
This is coming from the guy who said no to chickens for over 2 years before saying yes! I enjoy their personalities and the “pecking order” that seems to change from week to week. The eggs are the best ever. But holding one special girl and having her close her eyes and make soft, almost purring sounds is priceless! I enjoy the heck out of our girls! 🥰

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