What do you love about chickens?



Sep 14, 2022
Eastern Tennessee
We've only been chicken-keeping for a year, and I am shocked how much I love and adore these birds.

So what do you love about chickens (and other barnyard fowl)? What about keeping them brings you joy?

I love seeing all of their personalities come out. They are such funny, quirky creatures. And I just love to watch them do chicken things. Their fluffy butts up in the air when they scratch in the yard is one of my favorites. It's just so relaxing to watch. Whenever I'm feeling low, my husband sends me out for chicken time, and I start to feel better. I swear, they're fluffy, feathered magic. It makes all the money and work well worth it.
What about keeping them brings you joy?
Too many things.. but watching mums raise their family has to be one of the top experiences..

So funny to see chicks get piggy back rides, lol!

Everything...Their eyes and the way they look at you, their beaks, feathers....oh the feathers! And who doesn't smile when their chickens come running at full speed to greet you. Nothing more funny than a running chicken! :lol: Chickens are just adorable creatures. :love
I have had 5 hens for 28 months and Every Single morning i go outside to greet them and I smile and feel happy in my heart. Never have I not. No matter the weather. And i guess thats why i always want them in my life. Such cool creatures! Mine have gotten So big and strong, its wild. I love all of it. I love picking them up occasionally and feeing their strength. Awesome. And my vitamin D levels have never been better! 💃🐓❤️
I have had 5 hens for 28 months and Every Single morning i go outside to greet them and I smile and feel happy in my heart. Never have I not. No matter the weather. And i guess thats why i always want them in my life. Such cool creatures! Mine have gotten So big and strong, its wild. I love all of it. I love picking them up occasionally and feeing their strength. Awesome. And my vitamin D levels have never been better! 💃🐓❤️
Chickens are good for the body, mind and soul! Glad you are enjoying your flock so much! ❤

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