What does the chicken song sound like?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 31, 2014
I have not had my first eggs yet but I am wondering if I am close. I have heard that they sing before they are just about to lay. What does the song sound like? Can anyone tell me in words? I have a white Leghorn that is walking around more like wandering around her run just kind of cooing in tune to her own music so to speak. She does not squat though when I go in to feed water or clean the coop. She is normally shy so I cant say I get all that close to her unless I have to catch her to check her out. Is the song different for differerent breeds? Different times of year? Is she just getting comfortable? She is not all red faced if that helps any.
Mine go "bock bock bock bock Bigock!" rapidly, over and over while laying, and the others all act agitated during. I'm not sure if this is the laying song everyone refers too, but it's what mine do. I never think of it as a song, but more like labor pains heh.
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Not every bird sings the egg song - I have Ida the Soprano, who thinks she is auditioning for the met. I have Cora, who goes on the nest just before the egg falls out and leaves before the egg has dried....each bird is different. I also have some who sing when Ida does, and I think they do it just for fun.

As for what it sounds like in words, well, if you've ever seen the musical "Oklahoma" and heard the song, "Surry with the Fringe on Top", I can tell you - It sounds like they are singing these two lines from that song -

Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
When I take you out in the surry.....

Not every bird sings the egg song - I have Ida the Soprano, who thinks she is auditioning for the met. I have Cora, who goes on the nest just before the egg falls out and leaves before the egg has dried....each bird is different. I also have some who sing when Ida does, and I think they do it just for fun.

As for what it sounds like in words, well, if you've ever seen the musical "Oklahoma" and heard the song, "Surry with the Fringe on Top", I can tell you - It sounds like they are singing these two lines from that song -

Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
When I take you out in the surry.....

I thought you were joking about that quote bit. But I looked it over on YT and holy smokes, that's pretty much it.
Yes Legs is singing this song. I pulled it up on you tube and that is it exactly. LOL so now I will just watch for an egg. Who would have ever guessed Surry with the fringe on top from Oklahoma the musical. Thanks so much!

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