What does this mean?! Conure Behavior Question


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
Burleson, TX
Hi Again,
so I noticed today my male Blue Crown was biting at the female when I was switching out some food. He was being very nippy. Normally its the other way around. The female is always the nippy one with him and she doesn't want him to talk to me or vise versa.
So could a behavior change mean its breeding season since he seems to suddenly be wearing the pants? They are outside so I have not been able to see them do the deed. I know its breeding season, but I don't really know what to look for to know they know its time to breed.
When breeding season comes, Natural hormones can trigger

very unexepected behaviors. So, breeding season could very

well be the answer. Often during breeding season, the birds

will start biting, being aggressive/territorial, screaming, and so on.
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it definatly could be "breeding season" behaviour

parrots generally 'talk" to eachother by nipping, pulling tugging ect.
and its very common for the female to be the bossy one...

come breeding season though the male generally takes over the role of protector, so by biting at her when your changing the dishes ect its likley him telling her to stay away from you...your a "threat"
That is what I was thinking. She never gives me the time of day and he usually talks to me and is quite affectionate (for a breeder bird)- well he wants to be but normally she won't let him get near me. Anyway I guess we will see!
Breeding season for sure. My black cap conure is currently sitting on five or six eggs. The male cockatiel is courting his lady. My male lesser Jardine is LOVING his perch. My Blue Crowns are all four girls but their behavior is getting very "flirty". Tis the season!
So far no eggs. We are checking their box daily. They are known for stepping on their eggs. We plan on pulling any eggs she lays. I just got them from my MIL last summer because she is getting out of the business. I don't want a business but I would love to have a baby! We are trying to give them their space while still taking good care of them. I am wondering if we should be going to change food and water when they've already gone in the box for the night or if that would scare them. They know us so they usually handle our presence pretty well. They love to be sung to by our daughter. They dance! We have made her keep her distance from them lately though. Anyway, thanks for all the info everyone!

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