What happened to some of the old time people.

Still here, though mostly lurking more than anything else due to a hectic schedule. There are quite a few others from the original site I miss though, though maybe the mods don't miss them so much. Put us all together and we were quite the trouble makers.
we lost a lot to the upgrade to the site, also I think they are more Face book-ers now.
I can not handle Face book.

...You're stuck with me.
we lost a lot to the upgrade to the site, also I think they are more Face book-ers now.
I can not handle Face book.

...You're stuck with me.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I bent to the peer pressure and made an account, spent a few hours getting things set up.....then didn't log back on for like 3 weeks. I had so many freakin' "friend" requests. Sorry, if I don't recognize your name, you not my blessed friend! Just cause you know someone I consider casual acquaintance, doesn't mean you need to know what's going on in my life. Plus, I'm just not that interesting.....and I like spending my time right here. You folks are my kind of crazy
. So, I not only know how to create a Facebook account, I also know how to deactivate one.....
I've been trying to locate old time people and when I check their profiles they have not added anything for 2 or 3 yrs. I know they could be lurking but, I don't think so. Maybe due to circumstances some have to give up their birds, - families break up, who knows.

When I showed dogs, "they" claimed the average dog fancier only lasted 5 years. Maybe that is true of fowl folks too. They get in, go over their heads, and overwhelmed, they get out.

It has taken me a long while to get used to the new BYC but, now it's feeling like an 'old' BYC to me . Still can't figure how to use most of the features. Guess I don't need them
Facebook's real name is Family Feud Every time You turn around or go some where You hear Somebody complaining about Somebody was talking about Them on Facebook. My Grand kids want Me to get one but I don't and won't deal with all that drama crap . I think most of the old time People are spending time with each other.
Im on FB alot......where the clubs go LOL! I moderate a few of them and joined many more of them and they are pretty lively. Many of us left BYC because of the extreme moderators and butt hurt folks...too many PETA folks, etc. Each one of us have a reason why we don't go in BYC as often as we used to. I've been with BYC for a long time and I will continue to be active lurker until a mod kick me out for good.

I am very choosey who is on my FB page, you have that control and you don't have to invite everyone you dont know. That is why it was not an issue for me at all.

Like any media online, choose wisely. If you don't like it, you can find another.

Once in a while I would do a FB friend clean up, deleting friends that has not respond or gone.

Lost one of the BYCer friend last week. RIP River Man.........he was awesome.

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