what if.....


12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Northern CA
My black astrouloupe, Yellow Butt, is sitting on 6 eggs right now. day 21 will be May 2nd. I'm very excited about this! But I was in the coop the other day & saw my Roo 'servicing' one of his hens. I realized that maybe he's not doing as good of a job as I previously thought - are the eggs fertile??

Hes a silver seabright & all his hens are (ten) regular size hens - I'm not sure if he's getting the 'job' done. lol. I haven't candled any of the eggs. Yellow Butt has been doing a great job sitting on the eggs - despite the confusion of the other hens! ( I found 3 hens ON TOP of her laying eggs! they dont know how to use more then one nest - I think I've got that solves with the rubbermaid tote setup)

So my question is - how long should i wait; after the 21 days for these eggs to hatch? Any suggestions on candling? I've never done it, sounds like u just hold the egg up to light & see whats inside

Thanks for any advice!

Here's Yellow Butt's new accomidations-

To candle eggs, just take a flash light and candle from the top (after about a week or so) and you can tell if it's growing or not. It's pretty much not mistakeable by that point unless they're dark brown or green.

Ummm...sebright and standard hens? I guess it's possible, but...*scratching head* I can't quite figure out the logistics of it!
ya! exactly! is he even capable? I mean my big light brahma hen, Bok, is HUGE! i always joke that he has to get a step stool with her! haha!!

I'll have to post a pic of them standing next to each other! She's almost three times his size. It least i dot have to worry about him mistreating her! lol.
Yeah, they have the "little man" attitude, but I just don't know if they can cut the mustard. heh I always
when it comes to banties breeding standards, but sebrights? hehe Those are one of the smallest breeds (not the smallest, but right up there) and I'm just not sure!

Make sure to post back when you candle because now I'm all anxious to find out! hehe

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