What in the world?!?!?!?!


11 Years
May 19, 2008
East Bethel MN
About a half hour ago I peeked out into the backyard to check the chickens, I noticed my teeny tiny serama boy trying to scare off the crow I pay in eggs and bird seed to watch over them and keep the hawks at bay. This crow was acting very strange and seemed to bow down to him. it did this little bob and dance then flattened out it's back and crouched down for my rooster!!!
Sweet jesus what is in the water out here?!?! Just as I ran out with the camera in hopes of getting video of this event the crow flew off. Strange Strange goings on over here....
It was quite a sight! I looked up videos on youtube of crow mating rituals and thats exactly what this bird was doing! My rooster was extremely confused and kept trying to chase it off, he would turn his back and start walking away from the crow and the crow would come walking towards him again bobbing up and down then flattened its back and bowed down to him. Very Very bizzare!
Haha, I'd love to have seen that! I love crows, ironically enough just a few minutes ago when I was letting my lone hen free-range a couple of hawks flew over, and a crow was after one of them! That's the first time I'd actually seen with my own eyes a crow trying to chase off a hawk, though I know they are enemies.

All this crow business today reminds me of a very amusing one named Grover in the cutest children's book called "Big John Turkle". He was very silly and boastful.
Our crows are awesome! I love them dearly and feed them often to keep them around to chase off the hawks.... Now I have to worry about hybrid birds??? LOL Crow/chicken mix.... Cricken? Hmmmm I'm gonna have to have a talk with this crow and let her know my boys off limits! To be honest I think my roo is a little intimidated by her. He is faithful to his ladies.

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