What is best for newly hatched chicks: ACV, sugar water, probios or plain water?

True Blue

6 Years
Jul 5, 2013
Hi, I was just wondering what was the best to put n the water of newly hatched chicks? I should have some hatching in the next 3-4 weeks, so I was just wondering. :) Thanks.
Plain water is best. I know a lot of people suggest adding this or that to their drinking water, but mine have always had plain tap water and I've never had problems. Don't fix whats not broken, I say :D
The only time I would give sugar water is if you have chicks that were shipped and arrive in bad shape. If chicks are in transit for too long, they can run out of stored fuel in their bodies. If they are too weak to eat and drink on their own, then some sugar water in an eye dropper can help them. Once they are up and can eat/drink on their own, plain water is fine.

Chicks hatched at your home should do fine on plain water. I wouldn't have a problem with giving them a little unpasturized ACV in their water, I just don't usually use it on my chicks. Then again, I start mine on supplemental foods sooner and get them out on grass earlier than most people. Everybody does things their own way.

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