What is best to heal my roosters hen pecked neck?

Rooster Ray

15 Years
Nov 20, 2008
South West Michigan
I have a rooster that has had his neck pecked to the point it started bleeding yesterday. I need some help as to what I can put on his neck to heal it and to stop the picking from the hens. I have read on hear that pine tar works. Is this what I should try or is there something that would work better?
try spraying it with blu-coat.. you can get it at the feed or tractor supply.it comes in a small spray bottle. it is a blue/purple color. Wear gloves.... it stains... but it heals and with the color the chickens tend not to pick..
I agree w/ blu-kote. or pine-tar, both of which can be purchase at a feed store.

You should also separate to give him time to heal.

What factors have you considered that may have led to the pecking?

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