What is happening here? Fowl Pox?! Foot infection, probably NOT bumbleoot


In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2023
Southern California
photos: 7 mo silverrudd, heritage Rhode Island roo and hens.

A week ago I noticed my rooster was limping and not using one foot. I inspected the foot and he was missing a toenail and bleeding. Figured he got it caught on something, cleaned it up antiseptic and watched. Affected toe began turning black over next week. Figured chicken would lose toe. Here’s where it gets mysterious:
A few days ago noticed him limping worse and another toenail was now missing. (It was perfectly fine the night before when I checked)… wierd. Checked it again in the evening and a 3rd toenail was bleeding and missing! And the toes and whole foot now look pretty aggravated. the whole foot looks awful including underneath the foot. Im stumped. I have 15 birds and no other foot issues. He roosts right next to all his girls at night. I don’t think it’s getting stuck in anything. He seems bummed out and in pain but otherwise healthy. Idk why his toe tails are spontaneously falling off or if something is taking them off? If I had to guess the foot is staff infected and necrotic…Does anyone have any help or suggestions or experience on this? Everything I read is about bumble foot but I don’t think that is the issue. The weather is in the low 50s at night definitely not frostbite. Foot was never swollen so I doubt bumble foot.

Started doing epsom soaks and bandages it up with a heavy covering of antibiotic ointment last night. Will be repeating and might give him some tetracycline?

today noticing this on flocks combs.

Help, advice or previous experience greatly appreciated!


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Attached photos for reference . Now I am wondering if it is actually Fowl Pox? He’s looking a bit unwell today with one eye closing. Don’t remember seeing these spots on his comb yesterday 🤔 My other Roo has similar black marks on his comb that I noticed this week. I assumed they we’re abrasions but now it has me thinking…Does Fowl Pox present on the feet as well?


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It is not fowl pox, but peck wounds. How is the bedding and ground in the coop, run, and yard? How does the other foot look? Could he have injured or smashed the foot somehow? Foot pad dermatitis or burns from dropping, mud, or something that has burned or irritated the skin might be possible. Rats can bite skin. It is hard to know for sure what did that to one foot and not the other. I would continue soaking his feet once a day, and apply either antibiotic ointment or Betadine. I’m not sure if a dressing would be of benefit or if you could keep it on. Keeping him in a dog crate on clean towels or puppy pads for a few days might help it heal. There are protective booties that you can order online. Here is one on Amazon, but check the size:
Hi. Thanks all!! Very helpful. The bedding is probably not the issue. My coop is always very clean. I do have some wierd spots with the wire mesh I can double back on and see if that’s what he’s getting cut on. Otherwise I had some bantam cohin roos that were causing chaos 🙄. I gave them their own bachelor pad til I can rehome. Apparently no one around here wants my roosters lol.
Yes we do have rodents. I haven’t seen rats in a long time but definitely mice and squirrels. I figured it odd that just one bird of many was getting attacked by a rat and none of the others. Which is why I discredited rodents.
He’s in a Dog crate now getting foot soaks, vetricyn and antibiotic cream wrap at night for a couple days 🤞 glad that’s not fowl pocks though!
I’m worried about having him separated from my other rooster for days on end. Wondering if I would ever be able to even reintegrate him back into the flock. He and the Rhode Island Red have had zero issues, but the silverrudd would clearly lose to the RIR. Do you guys think keeping him in a wire dog crate inside the coop would help?
If I was going to cage him inside the coop, I would make sure the cage was covered in hardware cloth. I wouldn't want whatever got the toes to come back to a caged bird if the wire is open enough for it to get in. If it is mice they can get in tiny spaces.

If the 2 boys can see each other it may help. They are animals so no way to predict behavior especially with Roos.

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