What is it about meat birds?

4-H chicken mom

15 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH
I picked up my 25 cornish meat birds at 5 am today. I don't know what it is about meat birds that put off a completely different odor than my layer chicks. I have my 12 week old layer chicks in the house right now in a long rubbermaid container. If it weren't for them chirping, you wouldn't know they are there. The meat birds have been in my garage for about 9 1/2 hours now, and you can already start to smell them. We usually keep them in the garage for only a week before they are moved to what we call the broiler barn, but because it is much colder than usual here they may be in the garage for an additional week or two.
I have seen these jars that have this gel in it that you remove the top and it is suppose to remove odors. Has anyone ever used anything like this and do they work?
What is your bedding material? You might need more CARBON. We have been adding pine shavings DAILY to our bedding, and have almost no smell. THe carbon in the pine works like a sponge in attracting the urea and nitrogen in their waste. My bedding depth is probably 4" at this point. When this group goes out in 2 weeks, I will stir up the bedding and add another inch on top. Plus, on warm days we open the tilt windows at the back of the shed to get some fresh air in.
It probably smells the same... meat birds just crank out much, much more poo.

My birds are about three weeks old and already are producing some pretty impressive droppings. I do like Matrix Escapee does.. keep adding litter to keep things dry. And get some air circulation. Dry soiled litter doesn't have much smell. Moist litter is stinky.
I'll have to agree to the more pungent and different smelling poo from the Cornish X.

I have 7 layers that are almost 6 weeks old. I'm pretty used to their smell as I've been cleaning their brooder and coop now for weeks.

I just got 9 Cornish X this past weekend and after only 2 days on clean shavings... their smell is distinct and a tad more offensive than the layers.

This is going to be a fun couple weeks until I can get them out in there tractor.


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