What is it like in a hatchery?


8 Years
Aug 31, 2015
Near Seattle, WA
The first chicks I got were from a feed supply store, which they ordered from a hatchery. Since then I moved, and a nearby store does the same. That got me thinking, as I am considering to buy a couple chicks, What is it like in a hatchery? How are the parent birds treated? Is it like a puppy mill for birds? Please tell me! If that is what it is like, I don't want to buy chicks from them in the spring. Thank you!
Yeah, hatcheries are as bad as puppy mills. Disclaimer: not all of them. But, your stereotypical hatchery is like this, I watched a special and read several articles:

Big rooms full of certain breeds. Crammed together with barely enough space to breathe, let alone move around and acctually really live. Hatcheries are full of chickens doing nothing but surviving.
The eggs are gathered, mass hatched, and the chicks are sorted by being picked up by their wings and tossed down chutes where they fall into a big bin, where they are then distributed to buyers.
Hatcheries are not humane. They di not treat their birds well. They are in it for the money and the money only. I do not buy from hatcheries.
Find a local breeder and buy from them. The chicks will bot only be happier, healthier, and much better treated, but love much longer lives.
Again, not every hatchery is like this. But I know of several that are. If you would like me to find the list of hatcheries that are humane, small scale, and treat their birds well, I will post it on here if you'd like.
Even then, I still suggest breeders. It's less stressful for the chicks, and no matter the quality hatchery they come from, breeder birds will live much longer happier lives.
Hope I helped, and sorry for the bluntness. You asked, and there it is. I do. Not. Support. Hatcheries. At all.
Good luck getting some chicks in the spring, finding a breeder is usually pretty easy, and better for everyone. Most breeders are in it for the love of chickens and treat their birds really well.
Having some trouble finding it, that was a couple years ago, but I'll keep trying and post it when I find it!

Another thing I meant to ad about hatcheries: they vent sex the chicks. Any and all unwanted roosters are immediately killed. Millions and millions of chicks are killed this way before they even have a chance at life. It is absolutely horrible.

I will post as soon as I find that link...

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