What is my Polish/Ameraucana chick's gender?

Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

Sing the song of your soul 🎶 ✨️
Sep 8, 2023
Peaceful Woods, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
:pop :frow:D Hillo, I'm S Raven. I have 4 pullets / cockerels that I don't know the sex of. I'm hoping you fellow chicken fanatics will help me decipher the genders of these lads and ladies. There is multiple breeds in my beautiful collage, and I'm hoping for any suggestions on the full mix these babies are.
I have a Polish chick mixed with a Ameraucana that I have already sexed. I know that these said chicks are Ameraucana with something.... Maybe Polish!
Well thank you any comments. These chicks are all very sweet and kind and were hatched around May 2023. Thanks!

:D P.s Yes I also have Silkies.
Here's the pictures!: # 1: suspected Polish Cockerel. #2: Suspected Ameraucana Pullet. #3&4: Ameraucana Polish?? ??? #5: Known gender of black Ameraucana Rooster & his buddy/sister the white Mr.or Ms. #6: White fellow or lady. - and so on!!
20231009_150421 (1).jpg
Thank you!!!! That's all the pictures ( for now,lol)

# 1: suspected Polish Cockerel.
Cockerel, yes. I think that might be a Polish-something mix, rather than a pure Polish, but I'm not positive.

#2: Suspected Ameraucana Pullet.
Cockerel, not pullet. More likely an Easter Egger than actual pure Ameraucana, but I could be wrong there.

#3&4: Ameraucana Polish?? ???
I see a cockerel, and I'm not sure if the other one is the same bird or not.
I agree they are part Polish, and you might be right about the other half of the mix.

#5: Known gender of black Ameraucana Rooster & his buddy/sister the white Mr.or Ms.
I can't see enough detail to tell about the one in the foreground (unless it's the same bird as #2?)

#6: White fellow or lady. - and so on!!
I think cockerel (is this the same as in photos #3 and #4?)

Last photo, looks like the same bird as #2 and #5?

I have 4 pullets / cockerels that I don't know the sex of.
Photos 1, 2, and 3 definitely account for 3 birds, but I'm not sure which bird is the 4th one (unless it's the black one in the background of photo 5).
I know this is old and you didn't get many replies.... but I will add my 2 cents and I am curious of what they turned out to be.... 🤔
I think they are all cockerels! But one I couldn't get a good look at.
Lol most of them were 😆🥰 Mosas, Bruno, and Mo are in good homes though :)They will be dads this spring! ( their hens' eggs getting incubated).
#1 is Chironimoe, he's a boy lol
#2 is Mosas, also a boy
#3 is Darin, Also a roo
#4 is Mo, a hen (black girl in background)
#5 (not included in photos) is Bruno the roo :)
Lol most of them were 😆🥰 they have good home though :) many of them will be dads this spring! ( their hens' eggs getting incubated)
#1 is Chironimoe, he's a boy lol
#2 is Mosas, also a boy
#3 is Darin, Also a roo
#4 is Mo, a hen (black girl in background)
It's good to hear that they are doing well. 🥰🥰🥰

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