What is the best dual purpose chicken?


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
I am looking for a good dual purpose bird. I think I have narrowed it down to either orpington's or plymouth rocks. Which would be the better choice? Also, do the BBS or SLP rocks have the same dual purpose qualities as the barred rocks?
I have heard that orpingtons are a good dual purpose bird. I do not breed them though so I can't tell you from first hand knowledge. I am doing Brahmas and Delawares for Dual Purpose birds. Good luck with your search.

there are lots of different species that are great dual purpose birds... some tollerate heat better, some cold, some are prettier, some are bland... i chose giant cochins and EE's as my layers... but now i'm thinking about getting orps as meat birds... but don't know yet... i guess cochins can be dual purpose, but they are mostly feather...
There are a LOT of very good dual purpose breeds, everyone may answer differently. It depends on your needs, climate, and taste. For example, I live in a place that rarely ever gets hot or freezing cold, I want a good layer (preferably of eggs that aren't brown) but also a good meat bird and a broody bird, I don't want birds from hatchery/production stock, and I want something different - So, my choices are breeds like Araucanas, French Marans, and Brahmas. Though Brahmas do lay brown eggs, they make up for it in other areas such as new rare colors, beautiful bodies, huge size, and wonderful temperament.

My favorite thing to do with dual purpose poultry though is cross-breeding, honestly. There are some ideas out there that just don't exist, and so I work to create them. (meaty, showy white egg layer, gaudy colored and meaty bodied dark olive layer)
Just keep in mind it is as much as the breed as where you aquire it. If you truely want dual purpose birds don't buy hatchery stock they are only good for one purpose not dual and never will be.

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