What is the best egg laying bantam?


10 Years
May 21, 2009
Bradford NH
I'm looking for next spring. I want bantams only but don't know much about the different breeds. I have cochins and silkies and D uccles. The cochin and silkies are always broody. So I want to add some bantams that will lay more eggs, hopefully.
I have no clue... I'd like to watch this thread though. My Silkies are just starting to lay and one hen has laid an egg 5 times this week! I'm waiting to see if she will go broody, I'd sure like it at this point!
My Ameraucana hens dont lay well at all. Maybe 2-3 eggs a week.
Thanks! I have a long wait on the silkies (there only 2months) but also know that the're very broody. And my cochins lay good for a couple of weeks then go broody again. I have 1 EE and she lays good, but gets the broody bug with the cochins. Ahggggg!
ok my husband has just got his book of banams out and it is the pecan laying between 100 and 200 annually or the orpington laying up to 180. silkies lay between 90 and 120.

i own 2 pecan bantams and although jill is not laying yet they are so good especially if you have children cause nothing flusters them and you can tame them really quickly
pecan=pekin? thats a bantam cochin in the USA but I like the name pekin better. Mine do lay pretty well. And I love their personalities.
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Now I have an image of a pecan in my head, diligently laying eggs. I know my chickens would just mistake it for another egg.
Pekins, though . . . that's interesting. I wonder if that holds true on this side of the water? I never would have thought bantam cochins would be up there.
I would think that creating the egg laying hybrids in bantam breeds would bring the same results. Breeding a NHR bantam to a BR bantam would give a bantam black sex link.

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