What is the earliest you have put chicks in a barn with a heat lamp.

Rooster Ray

15 Years
Nov 20, 2008
South West Michigan
I have 6 chicks that are rapidly outgrowing the rubbermaid container they are in. They are, 2 weeks old, last year I only had a few so there was more room. They have all started feathering out and have been jumping up on the edge of the container. I was wondering how early I could put them out in the barn with a heat lamp of course it is still in the 20's at night here.
I don't risk it until they're fully feathered (6-8 weeks). My reasoning is that if the light would blow out, they should be able to get through ok by snuggling with each other.
Jody's advice is best, however, I did put two-week-old babies out in a nursery coop with 2 heat lamps. Unless you have a draft free place and more than one heat lamp, I would not recommend to do it that early, though. You may want to do a second Rubbermaid brooder and divide them up for another couple of weeks at least.
I had too many for two rubbermaid tubs in my bathroom so my dh made me put them out in garage in a wooden box thingy with two heat lamps on them. It was really cold out there and the were good. they are 6 weeks now and I am ready to kick them outside!!

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