What is the Meatiest Duck Breed?

Muscovy ducks are a larger breed native to Mexico, Central & South America. They have a bolder flavor than the quintessential Pekin duck. Their cuts are also larger, providing heartier servings. Muscovy ducks carry a lot less fat (surface fat and in the meat) than Pekin or Moulard ducks.
We love to eat duck and have been planning to get ducks after we've got our chickens sorted out (with no idea whatsoever what breed), but our most recent venture into the rare treat of buying duck from the store reminded us that that most of the weight we pay ridiculous per pound prices for is grease and bone. The little leg quarters aren't so bad, but it's almost impossible to actually get a slice of breast meat off between the skin and the bone from those frozen store-bought ducklings.

I know that Pekins get big fast, but is there a particular type of duck that has a higher meat to bone ratio than others?

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