What is this bird?? Pic Update Post 8 w/pic

Sounds like a good situation. Geese love company and if you can't find where she belongs, it sounds like she'll have a good place to go to.
Doesn't it make you want geese though?
She really could stay, but then I'd have to get her at least a mate, then I would no doubt want more, and I've already went from "honey we'll only have 6 chickens" (last spring) to our 25 adult chickens, 2 adult turkeys, 6-5 week old chicks, and 5-3 weeks old turkeys in less than a year, oh, and 50 meaties we just got yesterday...not to mention the 3 Black copper marans chicks I'm picking up on Saturday, a broody chicken in the garage sitting (day 19) on 3 eggs, and the palm turkey sitting on 9 chicken eggs on day 15
Thank goodness he enjoys the animals just as much as me! Funny thing is, my hubby is the one who goes out and just sits with the goose trying to get it to come to him...

I went to the final house today to see if it was theirs, and no luck.

She'll be happier with the man that has offered to take her. I went past his house on the way into town today and his geese were out playing in the rain so she should be quite happy there.
They came and got her last night...I know she'll be much happier with others of her own kind. I'm just glad we found her a home
The goose was making my turkey hen (who is currently on eggs) very nervous- even flighty. It was neat to have her for a couple of days, but overall, everyone will be much calmer now. I was worried about jeopardizing my turkey hens hatch.

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