What is this? (Foot scaling)


9 Years
Mar 30, 2010
Okmulgee Co, Oklahoma
Has anyone seen this? Or know what causes it? My australorp roo, around a year old, has developed this on his left ankle. He doesn't limp, nor does it seem to cause him any problem...it just doesn't look right, and if treatable, wanted to know sooner than later.

Both legs for comparison.


A close up.


Thanks for your coments and advice.
I think your bird had scaly leg mites...
Do a search onhere for the treatment on them..
I think they say to smother them with vaseline or something...
Yep, that would be my guess. One woman I know swears by olive oil. Says she puts it in a container and dips the foot/leg all the way to the feathers. I'm sure you'll find other suggested treatments listed if you do that search Redhen suggested. Good luck.
It does look like early stage of scaley mites, if its scaley mites on their legs spray them with WD 40 and let them dry for a while. I then use vasoline jelly and mix sevin bean dust with it until it is pretty dark brown. Rub it on their legs and massage it in. Use this mixture a couple of times a week until their legs clear up.
Thanks a bunch for all your suggestions!

Redhen, as soon as you posted, and gave me a direction (mites) and I went on the search. There was a lot of reading, but I have game plan come morning. After seeing some of there pics out there, I think this was caught soon enough to be easily treatable.

Thanks again to everyone who posted!

I really enjoy being part of the BYC!
Never thought I'd be doing this...


This is pretty crazy and I hope it works or somebody is going to have great laugh at my expense. With DW help, we caught "Herbie", here I'm soaking his legs in warm soapy water. After we dried him off then soaked him veggy oil...regular Rooster spa. "Ralph" got it next, although he wasn't showing any signs of mites.

We moved the roos to a completely new coop/run...so we didn't need to worry about disinfecting anything...they're the first occupants.
(Moving them is actually how I noticed the scaly mite issue)

We also bought some 1% injectable Ivormec, but reading several threads I've seen everything from 1 to 6 drops...with and with out water...just put it under their wing...
Basically, if anyone can tell me a good number, that's waiting for them.

They also got a good helping of DE in their new dust bath...

I'll post results as they happen.
Good job!!!!!!!

I dont know about the ivomec.... sorry..
But i have heard that it works....

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