What is this lump on my rooster's back?

The Dim Side

Mar 16, 2021
Hello! I was wondering if anyone could advise me on this large lump I just noticed on my rooster's back. It's hard and warm. I'm not sure how long it's been there. A photo I happened to take of him yesterday, I can see it was there then, too. And if anyone knows what I can do to help him, please let me know! Thanks in advance!

It looks like he had a previous injury that got infected and healed over like a cyst. You would need to check it during a 3 day period to determine if it's getting bigger. If that's the case you would need to cut into it to remove the content. This requires two people, one to hold the bird firmly while the other makes an incision. Like with all surgery it's important to keep everything sanitary to limit potential bacterial growth on the area.

The other alternative is to let his body try heal it on it's own.
It looks like he had a previous injury that got infected and healed over like a cyst. You would need to check it during a 3 day period to determine if it's getting bigger. If that's the case you would need to cut into it to remove the content. This requires two people, one to hold the bird firmly while the other makes an incision. Like with all surgery it's important to keep everything sanitary to limit potential bacterial growth on the area.

The other alternative is to let his body try heal it on it's own.
Thanks! I'll keep an eye on it for a couple days and see and then figure out how to proceed. I've never done anything surgical before, so that concerns me!
Does it feel hard or soft like there could be pus inside? Feather cysts can develop over areas where an ingrown feather is.
It felt pretty hard and warm. It was difficult to get a good feel of it though while trying to hold him, but it didn't seem squishy or anything to me.
Warm lumps is an indication of active infection occurring. The rooster's immune system is trying to fight it.
Thanks! Aside from cutting into it, is there anything else I can do for him to help him along with his immune system fighting it?
Not sure how to improve the immune system on a chicken.

Generally when a chicken gets sick or injured, human intervention is required whether it be surgery or meds. The longer it lingers the problem gets worse to the point of no return.

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